Thursday, January 2, 2020

How to Find a Six-Figure Salary Job Using LinkedIn

How to Find a Six-Figure Salary Job Using LinkedInHow to Find a Six-Figure Salary Job Using LinkedInSix-figure salary jobs are scarceDid you know that according to the US Census Bureau, only 20% of US households make over $100,000, while only 5% make over $150,000? Finding a six-figure salary job requires mora than spending all day applying for jobs online. It takes networking with the right people in the right way. If you are in the career position to do so, and you are ready to try something new, try behauptung tips for using LinkedIn the next time you want to find your six-figure salary job. Practice proper LinkedIn messaging etiquetteTime is money for both you and the recruiter. Since you are reaching out to the recruiter first, be sure you follow this etiquetteRead the recruiters profile before messaging. It matters.Write a subject line with personal info and briefly acknowledges the recruiter profile.Write a friendly, short and sweet greeting that quickly explains your interest Quickly explain or offer what you can do in return for the recruiter.Always finish with contact info and a thank you.The deal here is you are not trying to waste a recruiters precious time while being respectful and wisely using the time you have with the recruiters eyes on your message. If you are contacted back and the message was a bust, be sure to show appreciation for the time spent in letting you know. After all, they did not need to reply. You made them want to reply. GreatUpdate your LinkedIn resumeLinkedIn has been around for over a decade. If you have not touched your LinkedIn resume in a while, it is most likely out of date. It may be representing what you were doing years ago, either with its lack of information or its format. Therefore, you will start attracting the wrong recruiters or hiring managers as you seek out your new six-figure salary job. Consider trying the following as your search for your next six-figure salary jobUse LinkedIn Salary to research what jobs a re paying more than $100K.Research the profiles of people who work in your desired profession to see what your competition is doing on their LinkedIn resumes.Reach out to national services like Find My Professionor other local services that offer LinkedIn makeover services.Your resume on LinkedIn should be different from your personal resume. If a person shows interest in hiring you, It is redundant to send him/her an MS Word document with the same resume found on LinkedIn. The main difference between the two resume styles is that your LinkedIn resume will offer more information about you. Your personal resume usually focuses mainly on quantifiable achievements.Create a powerful headlineThe great thing about a LinkedIn headline is that it gives you the chance to show your professionalism, industry, and job function. This information is especially important because it will appear under your LinkedIn profile in a Google search result next to your location. The best things you can do w ith the 120-character space LinkedIn allowsSpecify your industryClarify your job functionUse a brief statement of what you intend to do for other companiesThere are many theories behind the usage of a headline. Just remember these simple facts before writing a LinkedIn headline that suits your industry and functionIt will show up in a Google search with your name.You need to show your industry and job function.LinkedIn is a social tool for people conducting business.Your creativity and professionalism should display a six-figure salary behavior for the industry and function you desire.The ultimate goal of your headline is making sure the right recruiter or hiring manager finds you.For more help with your LinkedIn headline, check out these LinkedIn headline ideas.Engage In LinkedIn discussionsRecruiters and hiring managers, like you, will read your thoughts, what you share, comment on, and post on LinkedIn when viewing your profile. They are looking to see how you professionally enga ge with others, what you are writing, and what you are sharing, as well. On the other hand, you can also engage in discussions with recruiters to see if you like what they have to say. This will help you see if he/she is the type of recruiter you should be working with. The easiest way to engage in such discussions is to do the followingUse the LinkedIn Search at the top of each page to find recruiters and hiring managersInvestigate the profiles and discussions of people working in professions with average median salaries of 100K or more.The more active and friendly you are, the more you will start to notice these individuals connecting with you.Engaging in professional discussions with recruiters and hiring managers is a great way to drive traffic to your profile. Always keep in mind, however, it is best to contribute only when one has something positive and generous to offer everyone. Commenting for the sake of engagement looks forced and opportunistic on LinkedIn, as it does in t he real world. You want to comment only if you can make a great impression on the discussion.Now that you have learned some great tips to find a six-figure salary job using LinkedIn, its time to put it into practice. Get out there and start making some meaningful engagements that will get you hired